Shop Local Pa directory plans

All businesses will benefit from portions of each listing being used for targeted ads on social media. We ask that all businesses give us a follow on social media, share our posts and stories, and use #ShopLocalPA to increase all of our exposure!

free plan
$0 / year
What is included
Your company is listed in the directory with the following information
• Company Name
• Listing Category
• Business Address
• Website URL
• Contact Email Address
• (1) Listing Picture Upload
• (2) Social Media Links
You also get:
• 30% off Shop Local PA window decal (coming soon!)
• Discounts at participating businesses
Start-up business plan
$29.99 / year
What is included
Your company is listed in the directory with the following information:
• Company Name
• (1) Listing Category
• Listing Tags
• Short Description of Your Business (500 character limit)
• Business Phone Number
• Business Address
• Website URL
• Contact Email Address
• (3) Social Media Links
• (1) Listing Picture Upload
• (3) File Uploads (max size: 5000 KB each)
You also get:
• (1) Free Shop Local PA window decal (coming soon!) mailed to you
• 25% off Shop Local PA merchandise (coming soon!)
• Discounts at participating businesses
Small business plan
$99.99 / year
What is included
Your company is listed in the directory with the following information:
• Company Name
• (1) Listing Category
• Listing Tags
• Short Description of Your Business (500 character limit)
• Long Description of Your Business
• Business Phone Number
• Business Address
• Website URL
• Contact Email Address
• (5) Social Media Links
• (1) Listing Picture Upload
• (9) File Uploads (max size: 5000 KB each)
• Business Listed on Google Maps Viewer
You also get:
• (1) Free Shop Local PA window decals (coming soon!) mailed to you
• (2) Shop Local PA T-Shirts (coming soon!) mailed to you
• 50% off Shop Local PA merchandise (coming soon!)
• Discounts at participating businesses
"Frequently" asked questions
(some more than others)
Q: If I do not create an account, can I still edit my listing?
A: Yes! If you prefer not to create an account and want to edit your listing content, go to your listing and click ‘edit’. From there it will take you to a login page where you can ‘request access key’. Simply use the email address you entered to set up the listing and we will email you your login key. Easy peasy lemon squeezy. It’s so easy a cavema….I did it.
Q: How can my company participate in offering discounts to businesses listed within the directory?
A: Jump over to our ‘Contact’ page and send us an email (we cannot remember our ICQ login credentials for the life of us to respond in real-time) with the details of your discounts and we will get you set up on the ‘Discounts’ page. We’re all in this together and any % discount can go a long way.
Q: Do I need to enter my payment information for a ‘free plan’?
A: Absolutely not. There are no hidden fees and we don’t want you to not list your business because you can’t remember your PayPal password. We’d prefer you spend the extra money on this site, but sometimes free is too good to pass up on. So yes, free means free.
Q: What payment methods do you accept?
A: Paypal. We are still working on figuring out the Bitcoin currency conversions.
Q: What type of files can I upload to my listing?
A: Image uploads are JPEG and the file uploads are limited to PDF and JPEG. You can also update all images and files for your listing to ensure customers have the most up to date information.
Q: If I own a mobile business, like a food truck, can I update the location where I am located each time I move?
A: Yes! Though your listing may have an address linked to it, the small business plan allows you to move the location pin on Google Maps to show where you are located. We are big fans of food trucks, so the more you update your location, the better the chance we show up. But don’t tell our bosses we took a long lunch.
Q: I have multiple locations, how can I list all my locations within the directory?
A: Unfortunately at this time we cannot have multiple Google Map locations per listing. We are but simple folk and not coders. But, since we are 100% for supporting our fellow business owners, send us an email once you create your first listing with the number of additional locations you have. We will then send you discount codes to list those additional locations. This may take a while, but we are paid by the hour.
Q: Will you follow my company on social media?
A: Is the main source of a gluten allergy gluten? Yes! We will do our best to keep up with following members of this directory. We enjoy spending our days acting like we are busy in front of our bosses and liking and sharing to our stories. If you subscribe to the directory and don’t see that we have followed you, give us a polite message and we’ll get the hint.
Q: What’s your favorite movie quote?
A: “We landed on the moon!” – Lloyd (Dumb and Dumber)
Q: Why am I still asking questions?
A: Honestly, we have no idea…just sign up already! We are a directory with the best intentions in mind. When I was 7 years old, The Three Musketeers taught me “All For One and All”, and as Ben Stiller once said, “Do it”.